How does it work? Simply follow these steps: We have pre-populated it with what your first semester may look like. Want to take a look at this year’s offerings and build a mock schedule? You can use McMaster’s MyTimetable tool to pick from Mac’s entire course offerings this year. Funding is available to DeGroote students or student teams for national and international competitions, conferences, leadership workshops, and a wide variety of events. The DeGroote Experience Fund (DEF) is used to help provide DeGroote students with experiential learning opportunities. Your start-up experience will focus on three goals: connecting you with your first-year classmates building relationships with our faculty and TAs and having you involved with the DeGroote community. DeGroote is committed to ensuring that you are successful in your transition from high school to university. This 5-year degree program, with a mandatory internship, is now open to all international students. Our new BCom with Internship is launching September 2020 and replaces the former Commerce Internship Program. As the BCom program at DeGroote is transforming, so too is the Commerce Internship Program.